Winter Wonder land

Our wonderful small group of children is really enjoying the snow and the few sunny days, we were blessed with. We start with sledding and digging holes into the mounts of snow at the parking lot and then a sled ride to feeding the animals, Little Feather (horse), Hot spot (dwarf horse) and Tumbelina (donkey) are very eager to get our apples, we saved for them from the fall. Whenever they see us they come to the gate and want to get their treats. Also the ducks are now eagerly eating the corn from our hands if we are still enough to let them come close. The hay barn smells lovely while we eat our snack and drink hot chocolate. Afterwards we discover Ice cycles hanging from a roof and harvest them and bring them carefully to be built into a castle.

Ice castle

Ice castle

The cracking fire in the stove in the tipi keeps us warm, although on those couple of really cold days, when the temperature stayed in the teens we had to keep our coats on to stay warm ! The work with the woolen felt to sew Valentine’s hearts or to make pompom balls kept the fingers warm and every child was delighted, at what they created and were able to take home.

Soon the maple season starts , which promises the arrival of spring !


It’s finally all set up