It’s finally all set up

Stove is set up !

Stove is set up !

What a blessing to have a few more warm days before the cold air will breath into our jackets and we will wear warm socks and heavy boots and our woolen underwear!

The stove to give us a cozy warm shelter in the tipi arrived last Friday and now we have it set up, all cured and the stove pipe securely tied to the poles. We will collect pine cones and little stick s for kindling and to hear it cracking while we draw pictures or read a story or build another castle with the wooden blocks inside our warm shelter. It is such a pleasure to stroll though the forest and continue to find some clues, that “Rumble” our hobgobblin has set out for us. He is very inventive and always tells us new ideas what we could do and build in his short note she hangs onto the trees.

Last week we nailed a gate together and hammered holes into the stumps so that they can give us soft chips to sit on .

We are happy to feed the ducks some corn and old bread and bring hay to the horses, even if they don’t really want it. “Little feather “ is always a bit jealous of the donkey and the dwarf horse; and the donkey has such nice soft fur, he is fun to touch and caress !


Winter Wonder land


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